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3 Ways to Prepare for a Medical Crisis

A crisis, by definition, is sudden and unexpected. We can be blindsided by a diagnosis or a hospitalization that immediately becomes a medical crisis. During an emergency, our caregiver responsibilities intensify, and expectations of us increase. The learning curve is steep, and when we are ill-prepared, we can’t get traction because we are simply trying to hold on. The stress we experience is compounded by our lack of confidence and fear of making a mistake or the wrong decision. We can anticipate and prepare for some unexpected events that commonly occur when caring for an aging family member. There are steps we can take to prepare for a medical crisis so that we can spend our time as confident advocate and support to our family member.

Embrace the Caregiver Title

The first thing we can do is embrace the caregiver title and recognize the significance of our role. When we embrace the title and role, we view our responsibilities in a new light. We are more than a helper. We have a unique and unparalleled insight into our family members feelings, behaviors, reactions, strengths, and challenges. Our insight makes us an expert, and we know best what our family member needs to recover and face the challenges ahead. When we accept the caregiver title, we can use our insight and knowledge to find the resources to help us and our family member navigate the crisis. Post-crisis, more help will be required, and as an empowered caregiver, we can manage the challenges ahead.

Gather Medical History Before it is Needed

The next step we can take to prepare for a medical crisis is to gather medical information before it is needed. Searching for essential documents and information during a crisis adds to the overwhelm. In addition, the person who knows where files are kept may not be able to answer questions or direct you to the documents.

Your family member’s ID
Physician’s names and contact information
Insurance providers
Healthcare surrogate document
Caregiver contact information
Medications and allergies list
Preferred pharmacy address and phone number
Medical history, including hospitalizations and surgeries
Do not resuscitate order (if applicable)

It seems like a lot, but when collected during a calm period, it won’t cause nearly the overwhelm of gathering documents and information during a crisis.

Cherish the Calm Before the Storm

We often don’t appreciate the calm before the storm until a crisis sweeps the calm away and replaces it with chaos. Cherish the calm and cherish the moments with your family member that are not consumed with fear and crisis management. Find opportunities to create happy memories. Gather souvenirs and keep them in a journal or scrapbook. Caregiving is challenging, yet there is much joy to discover when we look for it. Creating meaningful memories will minimize regret. Make the most of time together when times are less stressful, and you will be buoyed during the more stressful periods. 

For more on how to be proactive and prepare for a crisis, sign up and receive the Prepare for a Crisis Action Plan. Take action to embrace the caregiver role and connect with resources, collect necessary documents and information, and find joy in your caregiving journey so that you maximize memories and minimize regret.

Please join me on my book launch journey! 21 Mistakes Caregivers Make & How to Avoid Them will be available on September 20, 2023, and I need your help to make the launch a success and reach the caregivers who need this resource. 

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